Saturday, September 10, 2011


"Serdika offices", "Sitnyakovo" boulevard.
For more black and white photography visit "The Weekend in Black and White", please!


Tommy Andre Nekkoy said...

this picture gives a great feeling of a big room, I also like the light in your photo - Well done

Anonymous said...

Excellent, contrasty B&W shot. I like it.

paul said...

A very spacious interior full of light. Nice reflections, too.

Tatjana Parkacheva said...

Excellent photography.


Dragonstar said...

What a wonderful place! I love the lines and reflections, all softened by the trees. As ever, your use of contrast is perfect.

Anonymous said...

In contemplating this ... you're feeling calm the mind.

Un español.

Lachezar said...

A perfect capture of that space! Your light and B&W tone is superb too!