Thursday, October 11, 2007

our street

This lonely man, obvious living in such parallel reality, spends day after day, from morning till evening walking around in our neighborhood, sitting here and there, always smoking a cigarette and looking ahead.......


Chuckeroon said... interesting point. The plight of the aged is universal throughout our modern urban communities, and the poverty created by the overturn of "socialist" scocieties has brought special problems to the East. But the East is not alone...we too have much that is not perfect.

Anonymous said...

With no disrespect to the state of this man. Don't we all some times wish to inhabit our own parallel universes oblivious to the real ones...

Great shot and mood anyway!


photolicious said...

Ahh...Bulgaria is I can see from your photos. What's the weather in Bulgaria like? (December - January).

Have you visited The Strange Republic?

maria elisa said...

my city has a "lonely man" too.....